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Your home is safer when it has both a burglar alarm system and a security camera system. However, if you cannot afford to have both systems just yet, you might wonder which system would be better for your home. You might also wonder if it would be worthwhile to upgrade your home by installing both systems.
Understanding How Burglar Alarms and Security Cameras Work
A burglar alarm triggers an audible alarm that alerts you to the presence of an intruder. The burglar might be startled by the alarm. Also, with a home monitoring system, professionals will receive a notification when an intruder is within your home and will contact both you and the authorities. Many alarm monitoring systems also send a text message or email to inform you when an intruder is around.
Security cameras record footage outside and also inside your home. They could passively record visual information or they might even tilt to record visual stimuli when an intruder trips a motion sensor. The footage can go on an external server.
Pursuing Criminal Charges
With a burglar alarm system alone, you will not know who broke into your home. Security camera footage can be useful in court to pursue charges against an intruder. This is especially useful if you have a reoccurring problem such as vandalism.
Security cameras can also be a greater deterrent because intruders may be more concerned of being identified by a surveillance camera. The police often use surveillance footage when pressing charges.
Maintaining Records
A surveillance camera simply allows you to maintain records of your home. Sometimes, you simply do not know what has happened outside your home. For example, you might discover that your lawn decorations were damaged. You might suspect that the neighborhood kids damaged your decorations, but the camera might reveal that the culprit was actually a wild animal.
Responding to a Threat
The most basic surveillance cameras will simply passively record. Therefore, if you don't monitor the security camera footage, you will not know if someone breaks into your home and may be caught by surprise. If you are away from home, you will not be able to take actions to protect your home such as contacting and coordinating with the police.
Protecting Your Family From Fires
Home security systems protect your home from more than simply a home invasion. Most security systems also come with a fire alarm. A surveillance camera may allow you to observe if a fire is in your home but does not provide the same level of protection.
Watching Children and Elderly Family Members
If you have children or elderly family members to care for, you can leave the house to run errands and quickly check surveillance footage to make sure they are okay. If your children play outside, you can perform housekeeping and check your phone periodically to make sure they are not in danger.
Using Both Systems Simultaneously
The best option is to use both systems simultaneously. When your burglar alarm is tripped, you won't know if you have an intruder or a false alarm. Sensors can sometimes be triggered accidentally. Also, a family member might have forgotten to shut off the alarm. With a surveillance system, you may review what is going on within your home remotely and take the appropriate action.
If you are not sure about which system you should install, contact us at Coastal Burglar Alarm. We will be able to evaluate your home security system and help you determine which approach is right for your home. You may also be surprised how affordable security cameras, alarms, and home monitoring is.
2065 Savannah Highway Unit 6
Charleston, SC 29407